A New Missionary Trainee's First Newsletter
Monday, January 22, 2007

Christina Corson is the newest member of our missionary trainees on staff with us here in Cáceres. She recently began her discipleship and has already proven to be a great blessing.
She has been sent out by her congregation in Omak, Washington, and the Ambassadors Fellowship missions agency. This is her first newsletter.
Dear friends and family:
Dear friends and family:
God bless you all abundantly!
Well, here I am in Spain! This first week has been a huge blessing to me already! Apart from getting over my jet lag (there is a nine hour time difference), it has been exciting to meet new people and see new places!
Before coming to Spain I had always envisioned it being similar to other European countries I’ve been to, and often the images I had were similar to those of the movie The Bourne Identity. J Upon arriving here, I realize that it is similar to the rest of Europe, except there definitely is a distinct Spanish architecture here. It is beautiful!
The city always seems to be busy, with those infamous compact European cars whizzing by all the time, or with people walking their dogs or shopping late into the night. There aren’t malls or shopping centers like Wal-Mart here. Instead, there are numerous independently owned shops lined up on every block. The prices are much higher here too. I must constantly remind myself that the prices are listed in Euros, and not in American dollars.
By far my favorite thing about living in Spain so far is the siesta. Most people in Spain stay up late into the night, so everybody sleeps in later than I’m used to in the States. Most shops don’t open until about 10:00 AM. Then around 2:30 PM, they close for three hours in order to eat lunch and take a nap! Siesta! Then they open again in the evening until around 10:00 PM. I thought this all would take me a long time to get used to, but I’m adapting to it rather quickly!
The church is right in the downtown area, about nine blocks or so from the apartment where I live. It is a storefront church, but surprisingly is rather large on the inside (large enough to accommodate the 100-150 people who come to service each Sunday),
There are numerous services throughout the week: Sunday morning service, two Bible studies, youth group, and a mid-week prayer meeting. In each service, the messages are basic and touch on the fundamentals of the gospel.
Friday night I was privileged to join and help Lucinda (another missionary trainee), with youth group. Here they consider youth to be anybody thirty years of age or younger. This needs to be divided up into more distinct age groups, but at this point there simply aren’t enough people to do so!
At any rate, the format of youth group here is similar to any youth group you’d find in the States. However, there are far less youth (there were only two last night), and these youth are not grounded in the Word. The biggest struggle with the youth here is getting any commitment out of them. What’s more, there are no Spaniards represented in the youth group, only those who have emigrated from other countries. As Cáceres is a university city full of young adults, this is a huge concern!
Within two days of being here I had the opportunity to join the worship team at the church and play the piano. I had a crash course in Spanish worship songs the night before! It was a lot of fun!
Within two days of being here I had the opportunity to join the worship team at the church and play the piano. I had a crash course in Spanish worship songs the night before! It was a lot of fun!
More importantly, I had the opportunity to meet many of the members of the congregation. What amazed me more than anything was the amount of countries represented. There are people from Bolivia, Columbia, Kenya, North Africa, Germany, China, and of course Spain and the United States. All in all there are fourteen nationalities represented! This truly is a cultural crossroads, thus it is highly important to reach this city for Christ!
Here in Spain, when you greet a brother or sister in the Lord, you do so with two kisses, one on each cheek. I think this aspect might take awhile to get used to, but then again it is biblical to greet one another with a holy kiss!
Each week, I join the other trainees meet with Prince for one-on-one teaching and study. Prince has over thirty years of church planting experience, and wisdom that only a life surrendered to Christ can render. These sessions are the highlights of my week!
Pray that God would continue to give me understanding, especially regarding my Spanish!
There are huge needs in all aspects of the church, so pray for wisdom that God places me in the specific place and ministry that He has laid out for me!
Pray for the members of the congregation that Prince has been teaching and preparing for church leadership.
Pray for the youth of Cáceres! That their hearts would be turned towards Him, and that those who know Him already would surrender themselves fully to Him.
Pray for my finances. God has been faithful to provide so far, and I trust He’ll provide what I need to stay here as long as He wants me here, and not a moment sooner. I’m in His hands!
Again, I cannot express to you all fully how much you are a huge blessing and encouragement to me! I know God will bless you for your participation in His work here in Spain! You truly are as much a part of this as I am!
“In the fear of the Lord is strong confidence, and His children shall have a place of refuge” (Psalm 14:26).
**For up to date information, pictures, and ponderings, please check out www.keeshonds.blogspot.com!**
Chris Corson
posted by Prince and Gina Parker @ 9:28 AM,