Fruit From Personal Evangelism
Thursday, July 20, 2006

For if the gospel we preach is hidden, it is hidden only from those who are being lost. They do not believe, because their minds have been kept in the dark by the evil god of this world. He keeps them from seeing the light shining on them, the light that comes from the Good News about the glory of Christ, who is the exact likeness of God. For it is not ourselves that we preach; we preach Jesus Christ as Lord, and ourselves as your servants for Jesus' sake." (2 Corinthians 4:1-5 GNB)
The above photo is of an open air meeting in one of the many beautiful parks in Cáceres. After scratching on my guitar and singing (or at least trying to sing) at the people for a while I was able to share a message of the love of God.
We don't have many open air meetings; we had one last week and several new people showed Sunday morning. But many times it's difficult to get permission for such events. So we strongly encourage the new Believers in our congregation to share their faith in creative ways during their daily lives and invite others to our meetings. We let them know that that is where the greatest opportunities are presented to us when sin does not hinder our personal testimonies... "Walk is far better than talk".
The theme in our church this year is "Every One Win One". I'm not looking for our disciples to bring in a multitude of people every week, but just to try to solidly win one soul for Christ this year and to consolidate that person firmly in his (or her) faith. We will only frustrate ourselves if we ask for God to bring us a multitude of people that we cannot consolidate and disciple. A few faithful disciples get a lot more done for the kingdom of God that a multitude of mildly interested people.
We praise God, for almost every week we have several first time visitors... highly atypical for your normal church here in Spain. Yet all of this is vain if we cannot personally touch the lives of these precious people. Please pray for us, that we might be able to fully reach these beloved souls and that each one of them might come into a true relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ.

We don't have many open air meetings; we had one last week and several new people showed Sunday morning. But many times it's difficult to get permission for such events. So we strongly encourage the new Believers in our congregation to share their faith in creative ways during their daily lives and invite others to our meetings. We let them know that that is where the greatest opportunities are presented to us when sin does not hinder our personal testimonies... "Walk is far better than talk".
The theme in our church this year is "Every One Win One". I'm not looking for our disciples to bring in a multitude of people every week, but just to try to solidly win one soul for Christ this year and to consolidate that person firmly in his (or her) faith. We will only frustrate ourselves if we ask for God to bring us a multitude of people that we cannot consolidate and disciple. A few faithful disciples get a lot more done for the kingdom of God that a multitude of mildly interested people.
We praise God, for almost every week we have several first time visitors... highly atypical for your normal church here in Spain. Yet all of this is vain if we cannot personally touch the lives of these precious people. Please pray for us, that we might be able to fully reach these beloved souls and that each one of them might come into a true relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ.

This photo is of the new Believers that we baptised last year. We have several new candidates for baptism again this year. They will begin their orientation classes soon.
Left to right: Prince, Patricia, Edwin, Isabel, Heidi, Gladys, Gina. (Edwin and Isabel received a job opportunity in Madrid and his family has since moved. They rest are active members of our congregation.)
posted by Prince and Gina Parker @ 7:05 PM,