An Important Appeal For Your Help
Saturday, September 09, 2006
We were just informed yesterday that the construction of our Discipleship Training Ministry Centre (DTMC) is due to be completed within the next few months. In our 35 years of ministry this is the largest project in which we’ve ever engaged. “The Centre” is turning out to be even more spacious than the architect’s original plans… at no additional cost to us. Being that we are buying two units, the construction company made one small change as to where they placed our garage door in the underground parking lot. In doing so gave us another 45 square meters of very useful area to our Centre. The quality of the work that is being done on the DTMC essentially defines the word “excellence”!
However, before they can hand us the keys to the edifice, we must hand them 60,000 euros (roughly $77,000). This is just to get into the building; we will still have substantial setup costs afterwards. Our major concern, however, is this balloon payment. For this reason we are seeking at least 155 people to give a one time sacrificial love offering of $500 respectively in order to meet this need on the mission field of Spain.
I do believe that the rest is (or will be) taken care of, for we are also doing everything that we can on this end to get a bank to finance the entire project. They are considering it because since we obtained the property its value has increased considerably. The total cost of the DTMC project is 450,000 euros.
What Is The DTMC?
The DTMC will supply the immediate need of the housing of our disciple training school staff and for the students in preparation as missionaries on the foreign field; It will be used for cell group and discipleship meetings; office, library and study spaces; guest housing (we really want to have adequate housing for you and your family when you finally come to visit us. We want to TRY to be as gracious host to you as you so abundantly are to us when we visit you); We will have meeting rooms for church gatherings that can hold up to 60 people and garage space for several vehicles.
Right now we are renting a couple of flats to try to cover some of these, and other needs and are now dolefully lacking adequate space and facilities to do what really needs to be done in the work here. The DTMC will amply supply all of this and much more for many, many years to come.
So please pray do about what part, if any you can play in this project.
We want to send a special word of gratitude to Bishop James Whitaker of “Zion Christian Fellowship” in Okinawa, Japan, and Pastor Kurt Wallace of “Freedom Fellowship Church” in Dale City, Virginia, for responding immediately to the need of the DTMC. Thank you very much!
posted by Prince and Gina Parker @ 12:27 PM, ,